GeoJSON objects have a “Type” : “FeaturesCollection” property and a “Features” property whose value is an array of objects. Each child object of this has
- “type” = “feature”,
- “geometry” = containes the GIS Coordinate data
- “properties” = contains the attribute data – Name, address, contact, facilities, serivices, whjatever catches your fancy !
An example is below
"type": "FeatureCollection",
{ "type":"Feature",
"properties":{"stname":"Ladakh", "stcode11":"37", "Zone":1},
{ "type":"Feature",
"properties":{"stname":"Andaman & Nicobar Island","stcode11":"35", "Zone":2},
Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"name": "Data2",
"features": [
{ "type": "Feature",
"properties": { "sr": 6864, "nm": "XXXXXXXXX", "s": 19, "d": 337, "o": "Private", "a": "XXXXXXXXXXX Kolkata", "lat": 24.6199, "long": 89.43974Y99, "ph": "xxxxxxxxxxx", "m": "", "h": "Dr xxxxx xxxxx", "emer": 0, "ot": 1, "eb": 0, "res": 1, "lv": 1, "c": 1, "g": 1, "sq": 1, "vr": 1, "kp": 1, "op": 1, "no": 1, "pes": 1, "go": 1 },
"geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 88.12345567, 21.1234567 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature",
"properties": { "sr": 6865, "nm": "YYYYYYYYYY", "s": 19, "d": 338, "o": "Private", "a": "YYYYYYYY", "lat": 23.86727582, "long": 89.3951786, "ph": "033-xxxxxxxxxx", "m": "", "h": "Dr xxxxx xxxxx", "emer": 0, "ot": 1, "eb": 0, "res": 0, "lv": 0, "c": 1, "g": 1, "sq": 1, "vr": 0, "kp": 0, "op": 0, "no": 1, "pes": 0, "go": 1 },
"geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 87.364583, 23.856843444 ] } },
{ "type": "Feature",
"properties": { "sr": 6866, "nm": "ZZZZZZZZZZ", "s": 19, "d": 343, "o": "NGO\/Charitable\/Trust\/Society", "a": "ZZZZZZZZZZ", "lat": 26.835774, "long": 88.867066048, "ph": "ZZZZZZZZZZ", "m": "", "h": "Dr xxxxx xxxxx", "emer": 1, "ot": 1, "eb": 0, "res": 0, "lv": 0, "c": 1, "g": 1, "sq": 1, "vr": 0, "kp": 1, "op": 0, "no": 0, "pes": 0, "go": 1 },
"geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 88.874684, 22.84568745 ] } }
Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)
I often use QGIS sofware to add attribute data (imported as delimited text file) to GIS coordinate data layer and then export the merged data as GeoJSON for use with leaflet.
To extract the data from Leaflet to use with tabulator JS plugin, following code is helpful
var promise = $.getJSON("/data/Data4.geojson");
promise.then(function(data) {
let tabledata2; // Temporary table
function makeTableData(data) {
tabledata2.length = 0; item => { tabledata2.push(});
// console.dir(tabledata2);
return tabledata2
// Include in the HTML file the JS and CSS
//<link href="/src/tabulator_simple.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
// <script type="text/javascript" src="/src/tabulator.min.js"></script>
function makeTable() {
table2 = new Tabulator("#facilities-table", {
data:tabledata2, //load row data from array
// minHeight:400,
layout:"fitColumns", //fit columns to width of table
responsiveLayout:"collapse", //hide columns that dont fit on the table
tooltips:true, //show tool tips on cells
addRowPos:"top", //when adding a new row, add it to the top of the table
history:true, //allow undo and redo actions on the table
pagination:"local", //paginate the data
paginationSize:10, //allow 7 rows per page of data
paginationSizeSelector:[10, 20, 50],
movableColumns:false, //allow column order to be changed
resizableRows:true, //allow row order to be changed
initialSort:[ //set the initial sort order of the data
{column:"nm", dir:"asc"},
{title:"Name", field:"nm", width:200, frozen:true, formatter:"textarea", headerFilter:"input", responsive:0},
{title:"Type", field:"o", width:100, formatter:"textarea", responsive:5 },
{formatter:"responsiveCollapse", width:30, minWidth:30, hozAlign:"center", resizable:true, headerSort:false, responsive:0},
{title:"Address", field:"a", hozAlign:"left", formatter:"textarea", responsive:5, headerFilter:"input"},
{title:"Facilities", //create column group
{title:"Eye Emergency", field:"emer", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true, responsive:1},
{title:"Operation Theatre", field:"ot", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true, responsive:0},
{title:"Eye Bank", field:"eb", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true},
{title:"Low Vision Services", field:"lv", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true},
{title:"Refractive Surgery", field:"res", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true, responsive:3},
{title:"Services", //create column group
{title:"Cataract", field:"c", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true, responsive:0},
{title:"Glaucoma", field:"g", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true, responsive:0},
{title:"Keratoplasty", field:"kp", hozAlign:"center",formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true, responsive:0},
{title:"Pediatric Ophthalmology", field:"pes", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true, responsive:0},
{title:"Vitero-retina and Uvea", field:"vr", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true},
{title:"Oculoplasty", field:"op", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true, responsive:3},
{title:"Squint", field:"sq", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true, responsive:3},
{title:"Neuro-ophthalmology", field:"no", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true, responsive:3},
{title:"General Ophthalmology", field:"go", hozAlign:"center", formatter:"tickCross", width:40, headerVertical : true, responsive:3},
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)