Epidemiology & Technology

Understanding GeoJSON data

GeoJSON files are a standard way of storing GIS data

These contain not only the coordinates but also the attribute data.

These files have a key: value based hierarchial data structure

You may think of these keys as variable names and values as the dara.

In computer science terminology, these are Objects.

GeoJSON follows a hierarchical organizational pattern for storing data.

At top level, GeoJSON objects have a “Type” : “FeaturesCollection” property and a “Features” property whose value is an array of objects. Each child object of this has

  • “type” = “feature”,
  • “geometry” = containes the GIS Coordinate data
  • “properties” = contains the attribute data – Name, address, contact, facilities, serivices, whjatever catches your fancy !

An example is below

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
                {  "type":"Feature",
                   "properties":{"stname":"Ladakh", "stcode11":"37", "Zone":1},
                { "type":"Feature",
                   "properties":{"stname":"Andaman & Nicobar Island","stcode11":"35", "Zone":2},
}Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)


"type": "FeatureCollection",
"name": "Data2",
"features": [
   { "type": "Feature", 
     "properties": { "sr": 6864, "nm": "XXXXXXXXX", "s": 19, "d": 337, "o": "Private", "a": "XXXXXXXXXXX Kolkata", "lat": 24.6199, "long": 89.43974Y99, "ph": "xxxxxxxxxxx", "m": "xxxxx.xxxxxxx@xxxxx.com", "h": "Dr xxxxx xxxxx", "emer": 0, "ot": 1, "eb": 0, "res": 1, "lv": 1, "c": 1, "g": 1, "sq": 1, "vr": 1, "kp": 1, "op": 1, "no": 1, "pes": 1, "go": 1 }, 
     "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 88.12345567, 21.1234567 ] } },
   { "type": "Feature", 
     "properties": { "sr": 6865, "nm": "YYYYYYYYYY", "s": 19, "d": 338, "o": "Private", "a": "YYYYYYYY", "lat": 23.86727582, "long": 89.3951786, "ph": "033-xxxxxxxxxx", "m": "xxxxx@xxxxx.com", "h": "Dr xxxxx xxxxx", "emer": 0, "ot": 1, "eb": 0, "res": 0, "lv": 0, "c": 1, "g": 1, "sq": 1, "vr": 0, "kp": 0, "op": 0, "no": 1, "pes": 0, "go": 1 }, 
     "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 87.364583, 23.856843444 ] } },
   { "type": "Feature", 
     "properties": { "sr": 6866, "nm": "ZZZZZZZZZZ", "s": 19, "d": 343, "o": "NGO\/Charitable\/Trust\/Society", "a": "ZZZZZZZZZZ", "lat": 26.835774, "long": 88.867066048, "ph": "ZZZZZZZZZZ", "m": "xxxxx@xxxxx.com", "h": "Dr xxxxx xxxxx", "emer": 1, "ot": 1, "eb": 0, "res": 0, "lv": 0, "c": 1, "g": 1, "sq": 1, "vr": 0, "kp": 1, "op": 0, "no": 0, "pes": 0, "go": 1 }, 
     "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 88.874684, 22.84568745 ] } }
Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)

I often use QGIS sofware to add attribute data (imported as delimited text file) to GIS coordinate data layer and then export the merged data as GeoJSON for use with leaflet..

I also use Mapshaper online service to decrease resolution of GeoJSON files to make them smaller in suze

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