To stop Auto-discovery of Other networked printers on a computer running Ubuntu
sudo nano /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf
# Which protocols will we use to discover printers on the network?
# Can use DNSSD and/or CUPS and/or LDAP, or 'none' for neither.
BrowseRemoteProtocols none
sudo service cups restart
sudo service cups status
Code language: PHP (php)
To stop broadcasting-This computers printer on the network
sudo nano /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf
# Which protocols will we use to broadcast shared local printers to the network?
# Can use DNSSD and/or CUPS, or 'none' for neither.
# Only CUPS is actually supported, as DNSSD is done by CUPS itself (we ignore DNSSD in this directive).
BrowseLocalProtocols none
sudo service cups restart
sudo service cups status
Code language: PHP (php)
AVAHI Daemon
In current version of ubuntu, zeroconf / bonjour protocol based autodetetction of printers and network devices takes place. this is handled by AVAHI daemon.
avahi-browse -a | grep Printer
it is NOT a good idea to disable the AVAHI daemon.
cups-browsed based options
This may not work on versions 17 / 18 / 19 because apparently the cups browserd service is not being used anymore
sudo systemctl stop cups-browsed
sudo systemctl disable cups-browsed