Epidemiology & Technology

Likert Scale Frequency analysis HTML Output

I have written a small Stata program, that does frequency analysis of Likert Scale items and outputs the results as a HTML file

The program

Copy the code below and save it as likertlist.ado in your “C:/ado/plus/l ” folder. I am trying to submit it to SSC as well

*! History:
*! Version 1.
0 Vivek Gupta , 30 June 2020

*! This program opens an HTML file - Analyses Likert scaled variables and calculates frequencies 
*! Finally, the  results are pushed to the a HTML file

*! Inspirations- htput, htsummary and mrtab
*! Disclaimer: This program is provided "AS IS".
*! Authors are not responsible of any kind of damage, derived from the use of this program.

*! Example usage: likertlist q01-q47  using "results_scale.html", low(1) high(4) replace 
*! Example usage: likertlist q01-q47  using "results_scale.html", low(1) high(4) replace noper
*! Example usage: likertlist q01-q47  using "results_scale.html", low(1) high(4) replace nop

* See: https://epidemiology.tech/2020/07/01/likert-scale-frequency-analysis-html-output/

capture program drop likertlist

program define likertlist 
	syntax varlist(min=1 max=50) using/ [if], low(integer) high(integer) [noPer] [append|replace] 
	if "`append'" != "" & "`replace'" != "" {
		di as err "options append and replace not allowed simultaneously"
		exit 198
	if `high' < `low'{
		di as err "High value (`high') is lower than the specified low value (`low')"
		exit 198
	* Check value Labels
	local valLbList
	foreach var of local varlist {
		local varValLbl :  value label  `var' 
		local lenValLab1  : length local varValLbl
		if  `lenValLab1' < 2  { /* No value Label associated with variable*/
			di as err "No Value Label associated with `var' variable"
			exit 602
		else {
			local 	 valLbList  `valLbList' `varValLbl'
	di "Value Labels Used by Variables specified: " "`valLbList'"
	local valLbListUniq : list uniq valLbList
	di "Unique Value Labels: " "`valLbListUniq'"
	local valLbListUniqNo : list sizeof valLbListUniq
	// di `valLbListUniqNo'
	if  `valLbListUniqNo' > 1  { /* No value Label associated with variable*/
		di as err "More than one Value Label associated with specified variables"
		exit 198
	if (!regexm(`"`using'"',".htm$") & !regexm(`"`using'"',".html$") & !regexm(`"`using'"',".css$")) local using `"`using'.html"'
	tempname handleLikertList
	cap file open `handleLikertList' using `"`using'"', write text `replace' `append'
	if _rc == 602 { /* using exist */
		di as err "HTML file `using' already exists, use replace or append"
		exit 602

** APPLY IF / in conditions

if `"`if'"' != "" quietly keep `if'

  * Write HTML headers abnd styles for new / replace files
  if "`append'" == ""  {
	file write `handleLikertList' "<!DOCTYPE html >" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "<html >" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "<head>" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' `"<meta charset="utf-8">"' _n
	* CSS Styling
	file write `handleLikertList' "<style>" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "table {" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "border-collapse: collapse;" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "width: 100%;" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "}" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "th, td {" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "text-align: left;" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "padding: 8px;" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "}" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "tr:hover {background-color:#e3e1ec;}" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "</style>" _n
	file write `handleLikertList' "</head>" _n

* Write results conetnt HTML for all scenarios
  file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1) "<h2> Likert Scale results </h2>"
  if `"`if'"' != "" file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1) "<h2> `if' </h2>"

di  "`per'"  
if "`per'" == ""  {
*********** WITH PERCENTAGES ****************************  	
		*********** TABLE HEADER  ****************************
		  file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1) "<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2>"
		  file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1)  "<thead><tr><th>"   	"ITEM"   		"</th>"
		  file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1)  "<th>"  		"N"    	"</th>"
			* Fetch labels for each scale value
			  foreach y of numlist `low'(1)`high' {
				local nameValueLabelItem : label `varValLbl' `y'
				local lenValLab  : length local nameValueLabelItem
				if  `lenValLab' < 2  {
					local nameValueLabelItem ="`y'" 
				file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "<th colspan=2>"  "`nameValueLabelItem'" " (`y') "     "(N %)"  "</th>" 
			  file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "</tr> </thead>"
		*********** TABLE HEADER COMPLETE ****************************
		******* Table Body  ****************************
		file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "<tbody>"
		  foreach x of local varlist {
			quietly count if `x' != .
			local denom = r(N) 
			local varl: variable label `x'
			file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1)  "<tr><td>"   	"`varl'"   		"</td>"
			file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1)  "<td>"  		"`denom'"    	"</td>"
			foreach y of numlist `low'(1)`high'  {
			  local levelsOfLabel : label(`x') `y'
			  quietly count if `x' == `y'
			  local n = r(N)
			  if `denom' > 0 local pct: di %3.1f (`n'/`denom') * 100
				else local pct 0
			  file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "<td>"  "`n'"   "</td> <td>"   "`pct'"   "%"  "</td>" // write locals separated by commas into the text file
		  file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "</tr>"
		file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "</tbody>"  
		******* Table Body closed ****************************

		file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "</TABLE>" 
		** Table closed

		file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "<br/>" 
		** added a line break
	*********** WITH PERCENTAGES ****************************  

else {
*********** WITHOUT PERCENTAGES ****************************  	
		*********** TABLE HEADER  ****************************
		  file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1) "<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2>"
		  file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1)  "<thead><tr><th>"   	"ITEM"   		"</th>"
		  file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1)  "<th>"  		"N"    	"</th>"
			* Fetch labels for each scale value
			  foreach y of numlist `low'(1)`high' {
				local nameValueLabelItem : label `varValLbl' `y'
				local lenValLab  : length local nameValueLabelItem
				if  `lenValLab' < 2  {
					local nameValueLabelItem ="`y'" 
				file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "<th >"  "`nameValueLabelItem'" " (`y') "     "(N)"  "</th>" 
			  file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "</tr> </thead>"
		*********** TABLE HEADER COMPLETE ****************************
		******* Table Body  ****************************
		file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "<tbody>"
		  foreach x of local varlist {
			quietly count if `x' != .
			local denom = r(N) 
			local varl: variable label `x'
			file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1)  "<tr><td>"   	"`varl'"   		"</td>"
			file write  `handleLikertList'   _newline(1)  "<td>"  		"`denom'"    	"</td>"
			foreach y of numlist `low'(1)`high'  {
			  local levelsOfLabel : label(`x') `y'
			  quietly count if `x' == `y'
			  local n = r(N)
			  if `denom' > 0 local pct: di %3.1f (`n'/`denom') * 100
				else local pct 0
			  file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "<td>"  "`n'"   "</td> " // write locals separated by commas into the text file
		  file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "</tr>"
		file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "</tbody>"  
		******* Table Body closed ****************************

		file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "</TABLE>" 
		** Table closed

		file write  `handleLikertList' _newline(1)  "<br/>" 
		** added a line break
	*********** WITHOUT PERCENTAGES ****************************  

file close `handleLikertList'
** file closed


Code language: Stata (stata)

Usage Syntax

likertlist varlist  using "FILENAME.HTML", low(#) high(#) [noPer] [append | replace] Code language: CSS (css)

Example with percentages

likertlist q01-q47  using "results_scale.html", low(1) high(4) replace Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Usage – with NO percentages

likertlist q01-q47  using "results_scale.html", low(1) high(4) replace noper
likertlist q01-q47  using "results_scale.html", low(1) high(4) replace nopCode language: JavaScript (javascript)


Likertlist sample output
Likertlist output

Error Handling

  • Options append and replace not allowed simultaneously
  • File already exists, and none of the options append or replace were used
  • There is no value label associated with a variable specified
  • The variables specified have different value labels
  • High value < low value
likertlist q01-q47  using "results_scale.html", low(1) high(4) append replace
options append and replace not allowed simultaneously

likertlist q01-q47  using "results_scale.html", low(1) high(4)
HTML file results_scale.html already exists, use replace or append

likertlist q01-q47 age using "results_scale.html", low(1) high(4) append
No Value Label associated with age variable

likertlist q01 resi   using "results_scale.html", low(1) high(5) replace per
Unique Value Labels: lbl1 LABEL_RESI
More than one Value Label associated with specified variables

likertlist q01  using "results_scale.html", low(10) high(5) replace per
High value (5) is lower than the specified low value (10)

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Output HTML code

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
width: 100%;
th, td {
text-align: left;
padding: 8px;
tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: #f2f2f2;}
tr:hover {background-color:#e3e1ec;}

<h2> Likert Scale results </h2>


<th colspan=2>Very Difficult (1) (N %)</th>
<th colspan=2>Fairly Difficult (2) (N %)</th>
<th colspan=2>Fairly Easy (3) (N %)</th>
<th colspan=2>Very Easy (4) (N %)</th>

<tr><td>q01 find information about symptoms of illnesses that concern you?</td>
<td>11</td> <td>7.6%</td>
<td>35</td> <td>24.3%</td>
<td>73</td> <td>50.7%</td>
<td>25</td> <td>17.4%</td>
<tr><td>q02 find information on treatments of illnesses that concern you?</td>
<td>9</td> <td>6.2%</td>
<td>39</td> <td>26.7%</td>
<td>69</td> <td>47.3%</td>
<td>29</td> <td>19.9%</td>
<br/>Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

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