Security Plugins
- Flask-Simple-auth: One of the better documented packages.
- Flask Identity: Flask-Identity is a lightweight security extension with all-in-one configurations and less third dependencies, some codes are direct merged from other successful open-source libraries: Flask Login and Flask Security. Status: 4 – Beta
- Api-Flask: includes Auth mechanisms
- Flask-Ligand:
- Invenio Accounts: Invenio is an open source project that was initially developed by CERN. The Invenio brand today covers a suite of currently three main products developed by the Invenio community. Invenio Accounts is based on the following libraries and its status is 5 – Production/Stable. It works with Invenio-Access and comprises of
- Flask-Limiter: adds rate limiting to Flask applications.
- Flask Simple Captcha:
- a robust CAPTCHA generator class for generating and validating CAPTCHAs. It allows for easy integration into Flask applications.